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Reactr ➕ Grav

Reactr is designed to integrate with the other Suborbital projects such as Grav. Grav is a decentralized message bus which allows for your application code to communicate in a scalable, resilient way.

Handle Messages

Reactr can respond to messages by connecting to a grav.Pod using HandleMsg:

reactr := rt.New()
g := grav.New()

reactr.HandleMsg(g.Connect(), msgTypeLogin, &loginEmailRunner{})

Whenever a message with the given type is received from the bus, a Job will be queued to be handled by the provided Runnable. The Job will contain the message data.

The result returned by the Runnable's Run function may be a grav.Message. If so, it will be sent back out over the message bus. Anything else will be put into a message (by converting it into bytes) and sent back over the bus. If Run returns an error, a message with type reactr.runerr will be sent. If Run returns nil, nil, then a message of type reactr.nil will be sent. All messages sent will be a reply to the message that triggered the job.